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Primary school: write a 100-word essay
on 'my last holiday'
Junior Secondary school: write a 200-word essay on 'looking forward to a new session'
Senior Secondary school: write a 300-word essay on 'most memorable thing from last session'
Primary and Secondary school students.
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6pm, Friday, 14th October 2016.

1. Entrants should include the following information (IN BLOCK CAPITALS) with their submission
o Name
o Age
o Parent and own email address
o Parent's Telephone number
o Category of entry.
o Name of School
2. Entrants can only be in one category as illustrated below:
o Primary School – "My Last Holiday" a 100-word essay.
o Junior Secondary School- "Looking forward to a New Session" a 200-word essay.
o Senior Secondary School- "Most Memorable thing from last session" a 300-word essay.
3. Submissions for the SKS "Back to school" creative writing competition will begin on Friday 9th September 2016, and will close on Friday 14th October 2016.
If your entry is received after this date it will not be submitted to the judges.
4. The SKS "Back to School" Competition is free and open to all SKS customers who submit via email to . By submitting a creative story typed on A4 size paper with double line spacing, saved in either PDF or Word format.
5. All entrants require parental or guardian consent to enter the SKS "Back to School" competition. GTBank ("the Organiser") reserves the right to require proof of the relevant consents.
6. An entrant can submit only one entry.
7. The judging panel is responsible for the allocation of awards and the decision of the Chairman of the Judging Panel is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding that decision.
8. GTBank may use the data submitted by each entrant for the purposes of managing the competition. By being a part of this competition, each entrant consents to such use of his/her information. If you do not wish to consent to such use, please do not enter this promotion
9. All entries together with the smart kids' details (name, age or town) may be used in publicity campaigns (including press, social media, calendars, cards, posters and other point of sale
materials) for this year's competition and for future competitions. Photographs of the winners
together with their names and ages may be used in publicity campaigns where the parents or guardians of the winners have given their consent.
10. Winners will be notified by telephone or email and a list of prize winners will be published on GTBank's social media pages, website, and national newspapers. All reasonable efforts will be made to contact the winners. If the winners cannot be contacted after all reasonable
efforts, the competition organizer will select the next best entry as the winner.
11. The rules of the competition may not be changed or modified and will strictly be applied.
12. Media type a word document either in Microsoft office word or PDF file.
13. Submitted entries must have been completed and submitted by 6pm Friday 14th October 2016.
14. Entrants will be judged based on the creativity and originality of their written essays. Entries must be the original work of the entrant and not have been published (as a publication
registered with an ISBN, ISSN or Cataloguing-in-Publication entry), broadcast, or won a prize in any previous competition.
15. Entries can be submitted via e-mail to
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