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We want to hear YOUR unique story! Send in your personal essay for YNaija's 'Nigerian Voices' and win N50, 000.
Starting this August, YNaija.com, the internet newspaper for young Nigerians wants to receive and share its readers' unique experiences – and is launching a brand new vertical called 'Nigerian Voices'.
'Nigerian Voices' will give young Nigerians (18 – 36) who can write really well an opportunity to tell their true stories in a down to earth, unencumbered manner – in their own words – as YNaija doubles down on its proposition as the official media partner for the everyday Nigerian.
We want to hear personal stories of victories, of battles, of successes and accomplishments, of turmoil and confusion, of fear and dissonance, light and clarity, beauty and inspiration – stories that are authentically Nigerian and help us share our common humanity, in a way that validates and affirms our experiences, and who we are.

The top entry will get N50, 000 and an ntel device with FREE data subscription for one month, while runners-up will also get ntel devices and other exciting prizes.
30 September 2016
Participants must be young Nigerians between ages 18 and 36.
Participants will be required to send in their 400 – 1,500-word article entries [with any accompanying photo(s), short audio and video file(s) if necessary] between 8 August – 30 September 2016 to qualify for the competition
Entries should be submitted to the email address – essays@ynaija.com.
All stories will be judged by a selection from the YNaija.com editorial board – Tolu Orekoya, Isime Esene, Joachim MacEbong and Chude Jideonwo.
The stories will be judged on:
Narrative honesty
Originality of voice
Quality of writing – with focus on grammar, flair and use of language.
The YNaija Editorial team will select the 30 best Nigerian Voices to be published on the website all through the month of September.
Entries, once submitted to the email addressessays@ynaija.com, are a property of YNaija.com.
Contact essays@ynaija.com for all inquiries

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