Unleash the vast possibilities of the online realm!

Access boundless information, connect globally, but be wary of risks similar to those in the real world. Children, especially, must learn safe internet navigation.

While physical harm through screens is improbable, cautious online behavior is crucial for safety. At SystemSpecs, we advocate for a positive online experience while acknowledging the need for children to understand online dangers.

Join us in exploring the 2024 topic: "Protecting the Nigerian child from online hazards" and share your insights!

Your perspective counts. Win amazing prizes in the SystemSpecs Essay Competition, including laptops, headphones, and internet data for a year.


Nigerian students aged 9 to 16.
Junior category (9-12 years): Max 1,000 words.
Senior category (13-16 years): Max 1,500 words.

English essays only.
One entry per participant.
Original content only; plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Endorsement by a school official, parent, or legal guardian required.
Submission portal opens on February 20, 2024, and closes on April 20, 2024. Winners announced on May 27, 2024, with the award ceremony on June 7, 2024. Application deadline: April 20, 2024.

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