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Nigerian Meritorious Awards is calling all poets! We're on the look out for poems of all styles- rhyming, free verse, and more–for the Nigerian meritorious Poetry Awards!
This is the only Nigerian meritorious competition exclusively for poets. Enter any poem 32 lines or less for your chance to win prizes.
Competition rules
The competition is open to all Nigerians , except Nigma Poetry Board members and their families.

The theme of the poem is " There is greatness in us" but can be titled as your wish, and must be in English and your own original work. They must not have been published, self-published or accepted for publication in print or online, broadcast, or have won or been placed in another competition at any time.
How to Enter
Entries is free.
Your entry must be original, in English, unpublished and unproduced, not accepted by any other publisher or producer at the time of submission.
Nigerian meritorious awards retains one-time nonexclusive publication rights to the winning entries to be published in Nigerian meritorious awards website and magazine.
Entries should be submitted to
Your name, address, email and phone number must appear in the upper left-hand corner of the mail otherwise your entry is disqualified.
BE SURE OF YOUR LINE COUNT! Entries exceeding the line limits will be disqualified. Type the exact line count (counting every single line, except the title and contact information) at the top of the manuscript.
•Poems will be posted on Nigerian meritorious awards Facebook page.
•The poems would also have a short bio data about the writer
•The writers should get people to comment on their poems and like it, availing them an opportunity to win the grand prize. The remaining 9 participants will also be given consolation prizes.
•The 10 winning poems will be published on and NIGMAwards 2016 Magazine.
•The winning poem will be promoted.
•The top ten poems with the highest Facebook likes and comments will be shortlisted.
•The judge's and editors' decisions are final in selecting the winner out of the top 10.
•Prize winner will be announced at the NIGMA gala night.
•Copyright of each entry remains with the author, but Nigma has the right to first publication of the winning poems in print and/or online within six months of the competition deadline.
•Entries would begin from 1st of January 2016.
•Entry implies acceptance of all the rules. Failure to comply with the rules will result in disqualification.
For more information contact: +2349053625029
All entries will be uploaded on our facebook page on 20th of June, 2016 :

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