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Submissions are now being accepted for the AfDB Development Evaluation Week 2016 Essay Contest. The contest is open to AfDB regional member country nationals who have proven experience and/or an educational background in evaluation.
The theme of the 2016 contest is:  "Evaluating the AfDB "High 5's" for transforming Africa." We are looking for essays that offer practical and innovative solutions on evaluating the "High 5's" and that focus on value, innovative approaches, challenges or other relevant aspects of evaluating long-term development challenges.
Evaluating the AfDB "High 5's" for transforming Africa

The Independent Development Evaluation of the African Development Bank Group
The top five essays will receive a trophy and a certificate, and the essays will be published in eVALUAtion Matters, AfDB's quarterly knowledge publication.
In addition, the author of the best essay will receive a $2,000 bursary to attend Evaluation Week in Cote d'Ivoire; the runner-up will receive a $1,500 bursary to attend Evaluation Week; and the second runner-up will receive a $1000 bursary to attend Evaluation Week.
September 15, 2016
African Development Bank staff and their relatives are not eligible for this competition.
Essays may be written in either English or French (3,000–4,000 words). All essays should be submitted in Word and pdf format and include an abstract.
Submissions must be original and unpublished papers, and must include reference notes and a bibliography if other authors' works are cited.
Submissions will be judged (by a panel comprising AfDB and non-AfDB evaluation and other development professionals) on the following criteria:
Focus of the essay on the topic and how well the main point is supported with well-developed reasons and/or examples
Clear description of the rationale for the approach proposed Creativity, originality and a fresh point of view
"Realness" of analysis and solutions proposed for the African context
Valuable content and/or research incorporated into the essay
Clear presentation of the topic, including organization and format of the essay
Language use and style, including spelling/grammar/mechanics/word count
To enter the 2016 Essay Contest, submit your essay along with a cover sheet indicating your name, affiliation, gender, nationality, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone/fax number (if available), and a note on how you learned about the contest.
Also include a one-page CV showing your educational or professional experience in evaluation.
The deadline for submissions is midnight (Abidjan Time) on September 15, 2016.
Submit your essays via email to
Please note that submitted essays will not be returned. Any essay that does not follow the criteria specified above will be disqualified.
Bursaries will be paid in cash at the conference; winners are expected to make their own arrangements to attend the conference
Winners will be notified by end September and announced at AfDB Evaluation Week.
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